Cost components

BTC System Costs:

  • BTC Director Salary
  • Local travel expenses (e.g., gas, tolls)
  • Printing (e.g., manuals, flyers, photocopies)
  • Office supplies (e.g., post-its, pens, table toys)
  • Phone and Teleconference communications (e.g., Zoom)
  • BTC Website
  • BTC Training and Technical Assistance
  • Data collection & management (e.g., evaluation, data coordinator salary)

Intangible BTC Company Costs:

  • Company Director time
  • Company Employee time
  • Meeting space
  • AV equipment (e.g., projector, screen, cables)
  • IT support
  • Meeting refreshments (e.g., water, coffee, snacks)
  • Program licensing
  • Program manual printing
  • Program participant guide printing
  • Online program delivery platform
  • Program trainer salary
  • Local travel expenses (e.g., gas, tolls)
  • Miscellaneous printing (e.g., flyers, photocopies)
  • Office supplies (e.g., post-its, pens, table toys)
  • Meeting refreshments (e.g., water, coffee, snacks)
  • Child-care
  • Data collection & management (e.g., evaluation, data coordinator salary)
  • Facilitator uniforms (e.g., AHORA & TBD facilitators’ t-shirts)

BTC training (~% distribution of total cost) In-person TBD training (~% distribution of total cost) Online TBD training (~% distribution of total cost) AHORA (~% distribution of total cost)
Content creation (e.g., adapting questionnaires and training material, websites) 15% 20% 25% 20%
Data Monitoring (e.g., data collection, management, and reporting; software and technology) 20% 25% 25% 25%
Personnel (e.g., PC Director, implementation and technical support) 50% 40% 30% 30%
General & Admin Expense (e.g., routine project management and accountability systems) <10% <10% <10% <10%